One Day Soul Care Retreat: Group ($35)
A time dedicated to focusing on the importance and necessity of caring for our own selves and souls with room for solitude and a space for silent prayer. This communal retreat will also be an opportunity to enjoy, reflect, and to rest in the presence of God. Price includes lunch, venue, facilitation, and materials.
Individual Spiritual Direction: 50-minute session ($100)
A prayer relationship where the director joins the directee to listen for, observe, discover and discern the presence, movement and leading of God’s Spirit in and among the directee’s life. The director offers space, guided questions, observations, and silence to help the directee hear and see God. The director guides the directee to listen deeply and personally toward growing intimacy with Christ. The director does not offer anything beyond what God reveals in the context of listening prayer. The focus is placed on presence/dailiness with God.
Season of Soul Care: 6 Sessions ($450)
The season leading up to and following a retreat or Soul Care Intensive can be a critical time of preparation. We offer a "Season of Soul Care" which may be enjoyed over 6 individual sessions on either end of your retreat or intensive. We find that preparation and follow up help to solidify the good work being done on retreat or in an intensive.
Soul Care Intensive: 3 Days ($1900)
A Soul Care Intensive is a dedicated time, most often 3-5 days, focused on the care and recovery of self and soul. For many, an intensive comes after a particularly intense season of life and service. For others, it can serve as a creative launching point for your professional sabbatical.
Soul Care Intensive: 5 Days ($2500)
A Soul Care Intensive is a dedicated time, most often 3-5 days, focused on the care and recovery of self and soul. For many, an intensive comes after a particularly intense season of life and service. For others, it can serve as a creative launching point for your professional sabbatical.
A time dedicated to focusing on the importance and necessity of caring for our own selves and souls with room for solitude and a space for silent prayer. This communal retreat will also be an opportunity to enjoy, reflect, and to rest in the presence of God. Price includes lunch, venue, facilitation, and materials.
Individual Spiritual Direction: 50-minute session ($100)
A prayer relationship where the director joins the directee to listen for, observe, discover and discern the presence, movement and leading of God’s Spirit in and among the directee’s life. The director offers space, guided questions, observations, and silence to help the directee hear and see God. The director guides the directee to listen deeply and personally toward growing intimacy with Christ. The director does not offer anything beyond what God reveals in the context of listening prayer. The focus is placed on presence/dailiness with God.
Season of Soul Care: 6 Sessions ($450)
The season leading up to and following a retreat or Soul Care Intensive can be a critical time of preparation. We offer a "Season of Soul Care" which may be enjoyed over 6 individual sessions on either end of your retreat or intensive. We find that preparation and follow up help to solidify the good work being done on retreat or in an intensive.
Soul Care Intensive: 3 Days ($1900)
A Soul Care Intensive is a dedicated time, most often 3-5 days, focused on the care and recovery of self and soul. For many, an intensive comes after a particularly intense season of life and service. For others, it can serve as a creative launching point for your professional sabbatical.
Soul Care Intensive: 5 Days ($2500)
A Soul Care Intensive is a dedicated time, most often 3-5 days, focused on the care and recovery of self and soul. For many, an intensive comes after a particularly intense season of life and service. For others, it can serve as a creative launching point for your professional sabbatical.